"The Communication Network breaks the boundaries of the world and changes business life in the world"

VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) is a two-way earth station communication system that sends and receives data used for various types of data management in high frequency based on one point to many points from Star Topology by Satellite. VSAT has three main components – satellites, a central hub with large dishes, and several nodes consisting of small dishes in various geographic locations that form a network via satellite.

VSAT works in a way that VSAT end users are connected via an external antenna using a transceiver. The transceiver receives or transmits signals to satellite transponders in the sky. Satellites send and receive signals from end users at ground stations which act as hubs for the system, each transmission must first go to a hub station that retransmits them via satellite to other end-user VSATs. VSAT handles data, voice, and video signals. Each network has its characteristics, ranging from dish size and transmit power depending on geographic location, desired IP data rate, circuit reliability and reliability, and link budget.

In practice, many VSAT networks are used in combination with other voice and data transmission systems. Even some critical infrastructure/facilities require a reliable telecommunications system, sometimes VSAT will also be backed up with other voice and data transmission networks such as Digital Microwave Radio.

VSAT hardware consists of several categories produced by several manufacturers, which allows each VSAT integrator to have flexibility in selecting devices;

  • Portable VSAT, Portable VSAT is designed to be easy to move anywhere, VSAT is in a static position when operating and, only when needed can be mobilized to the desired area, usually used for military purposes.
  • Maritime VSAT, this VSAT is designed for the benefit of ships, with high stability so that with shaking or movement it is hoped that it will still have good performance. In a moving situation, the VSAT antenna “tracks” and maintains a precise aim for the desired satellite. VSAT antennas are designed to anticipate wind conditions and marine environments.
  • Vehicle-Mounted Mobile VSAT Vehicle-mounted VSAT is available in various sizes and models to meet various network and satellite requirements.
  • Fixed VSAT, namely VSAT that is installed in a fixed area and has no potential to move around
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