Radio Dispatch System
"The Communication Network breaks the boundaries of the world and changes business life in the world"
Radio Dispatch System is a combination of software and hardware which is a radio communication transmission system connected to a console in the form of a computer screen or other display that combines communication from several communication platforms so that it is easy and flexible to control, manage and coordinating one or more Based Stations or all channel for critical communication in an emergency from all locations in infrastructure/facilities or infrastructure/facilities to other infrastructure/facilities so that one operator can coordinate, control and manage all connected communication platforms. with several available features such as;
- Know the coordinates of the location of the communication device used by utilizing the GPS feature, provided that the handheld communication device has a GPS feature.
- Each communication device can be set to have an emergency button so that it sends an alarm to the center console and is indicated by a visualization of the location map, and location coordinates.
- Operational status and presence or absence of communication devices from connected communication platforms.
The console has a function to select channels that will carry out incoming and outgoing communications and functions to monitor all channels. Newer consoles and radio systems use software to remotely monitor operations and configure system configurations in real-time. Today, the advanced console, and radio system can be reconfigured for emergency operation and interoperability with new groups when required.
This system can combine radio, telephone, and data transfer with computer control, VoIP, and transmission in one system that can be built based on destination number, network topology, and coverage area.